Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Feb. 11, 2013

First day home's 9:15 and I need a nap. I have only refilled my coffee cup and made a few phone calls. The phone calls just take it out of energy zappers.

Yesterday was a good day. I was relatively pain free until late afternoon when I got hit with horrible pain. After a few hours it was back under control and I felt human again. I think I brought this on myself with too much visual stimulation.  I really don't know where to safely set limits on myself in this area. I keep thinking.."It's been almost 3 weeks..surely I can do more than this.."  I am not very patient I suppose. 

I, however, am very grateful. Though this "Chiari Journey" has been long and difficult in many ways..there are very few cases of it being terminal. Debilitating, yes...crippling..yes--and there are those who lose the battle and die from complications. I'm grateful that I found surgery is considered a success..even if I don't get any better than I am today, I so much greatly improved from where I was.
Not everyone  has this outcome with a long-term illness. I was reminded of this just minutes ago when I read the Facebook post of a friend (which leads me to the comment below). I am incredibly blessed.

I was very sad to learn this morning that my sweet friend, Alisa Dye has leukemia. She has a new CaringBridge page..and she is in much greater need of prayer than I. Please add her to your prayer lists everywhere. Lisa is the person that inspired me to become a nurse, we went to church together, home-schooled together, were in Bible study together...and I am just in shock that this all has come about in the last week or so..and she has already started chemo. Lisa asked specifically for prayer for remission. Please lift up Alisa (I call her Lisa) and her daughter Raven during this time.

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