Wednesday, January 16, 2013

 January 3, 2013

I had some wonderful conversations with people today and many well wishes and promises of prayer. My sweet friend Amy said, "I just want to put my arms around you"..I told her..and I'll tell all of you..your notes, texts, emails and FB messages are like hugs..and I can feel them here in central Texas.

January 3, 2013
Today I'm getting started..for a candid glimpse into my "constricted cranium" I will do my best to update symptoms and activities each day.

Yesterday I worked a 13 hr. shift at the hospital. Each day is a battle of balance and dizziness at work. I got through the day with only tripping once..however, my word finding was 5 pm I could barely speak a legible sentence. This is so funny to me, and embarrassing. Thank goodness none of my co-workers say anything about it.. I'm thankful for two days off to rest.

I submitted short term disability claim forms and general medical leave claim forms last Friday. I contacted OU to take a semester hiatus from graduate school (Per doctor's order)..and I traded in my head-jarring Jeep Wrangler on a smoother riding older car. Doing all of these things is emotionally's like admitting that Chiari controls my life. Reality does.

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